“I was fortunate to come across Joe Dowdell and his program just in time for the 28 Day Challenge. I had been living my life with some bad habits of not sleeping enough, not exercising enough and not eating the right things to support my health. I had tried a few other programs in the past, but very quickly burnt out on some rather unrealistic schedules and felt I would injure myself continuing with them. Joe’s program was different. I very much enjoyed the movement preparation to get my muscles ready to work. I was challenged, but also didn’t feel like I was going to hurt myself. Best of all, enough recovery time was built into the program that I was actually able to stick with it.
With Joe’s guidance, I worked on improving my sleep and eating habits. Using the calculators on the site, I found that I had not been eating enough, and specifically, enough protein. I have been making some changes to my diet gradually, and I feel like my energy levels have improved. I was actually surprised by how much weight I was able to lift, and the increases in my strength were really motivating.
My goals for the 28 days were to lose fat/weight, but most of all to get consistent with caring for my body and health. My posture has improved and I am sleeping better. I was surprised by the end of the 28 days to find I had lost 2” off my waist! I didn’t think my body would make a change like that in that short amount of time. Thank you so much, Joe. You’ve been so encouraging and really helped with those mental hurdles of making these changes to my lifestyle. I’m looking forward to starting my next program which is the 12 Week Beginner In-Home Program for Women and continuing with these skills you’ve helped me learn.”