One of the many benefits of the INERTIA WAVE is to increase motor control via the nervous system by enhancing brain/cognitive relationships.
The human body works to produce movement….Life demands that we are able to move freely through space, and not within the confines of a machine, or other restrictive motor patterns. The INERTIA WAVE can move through any plane of motion, it’s provides the ultimate training environment that promotes every dimension and pattern known today!
Training with the INERTIA WAVE in mastering the methods or patterns results in a complete work out that not only will involve every muscle group around the major joints the goal of (those looking for aesthetics), but will also work through every motor plane, giving balance training that will help to improve many of our traditionally rough movement patterns, increase overall function, and reduce the chance of injury.
The INERTIA WAVE repeats multiple planes over and over, alternating the current to which it moves as it builds energy in the tubes. The oscillations you perform pump energy into the tubes, and you work against that “inertia” / energy to get your work out. This allows for an extremely lightweight/portable exercise device that has the capacity for a gargantuan workout
☑️The INERTIA WAVE is an integrated training program.
☑️A constant fight against the inertia (the tubes are “alive”
☑️The Inertia Wave is Integrated, which means ALL joints are moving.
☑️ The more joints moving the more muscles activated.
☑️The body must move, and respond more with an increase of internal forces.
☑️ The INERTIA WAVE integrates core and balance training, resistance, cardio respiratory, and cognitive learning exercises together into a single workout session or “timed window”
☑️The INERTIA WAVE creates extreme demand for the cardiovascular pulmonary system, and the core muscles responsible for stabilization.
☑️Integrating the INERTIA WAVE in your workouts or cross training programs will, overtime, strengthen your entire structure, in-turn the enhancement of your structure will help you become more responsive to external forces.
✔️ Core training
✔️ balance training
✔️ reactive training
✔️ integrated resistance
✔️ speed, agility and quickness training
✔️ cognitive learning